Live Virus Vaccine for Poultry

Live Virus Vaccine for Poultry
Beta-Lactams Penicillin
Vial 500 doses, Vial 1000 doses, Vial 2500 doses, Vial 5000 doses
No Reg : KEMENTAN RI NO. D 11034021 VTS
CAPRIVAC ND-R® is a freeze-dried live vaccine containing Newcastle Disease virus strain RIVS2 with titer 10^6,5 EID50 per dose.
CAPRIVAC ND-R® is indicated to generate immunity against Newcastle disease in broilers, layers, and breeders.
1. Drinking Water
To stimulate drinking, the chickens should be deprived from both drinking and eating prior to vaccination usually 1 to 2 hours.
2. Intranasal or intraocular instillation
Dissolve 1 vial of vaccine in vaccine diluent (usually 30 ml per 1,000 doses). Dropped into either nostril or eye of chicken and wait until it is properly absorbed.
3. Spray method
Dissolve 1,000 doses per 500 ml (or depends on the spray type) of water and then spray at distance of 30-40 cm from chickens used microdroplets aerosol sprayer, while spraying the cage must be closed.
4. Injection method
Dissolve 1 vial vaccine in 500 ml of physiological salline solution 0.9% and then inject 0.5 ml per chickens intramuscularly on the pectoral or thigh muscles.
Only the healthy chicken can be vaccinated. Stop the usage of desinfectant in drinking water 24 hours before and after vaccination. Do not dissolve the vaccine in warm/hot water. Use all the dissolved vaccination and if any unused vaccine still remains, it must be destroyed. Store at 2-8° C, do not freeze. Avoid it from direct sunlight. Pay attention to the dosage before diluting.

Live Virus Vaccine for Poultry
Beta-Lactams Penicillin
Vial 500 doses, Vial 1000 doses, Vial 2500 doses, Vial 5000 doses
No Reg : KEMENTAN RI NO. D 11034037 VTS
CAPRIVAC NB-R® is a freeze-dried live vaccine containing Newcastle Disease virus strain RIVS2 and Infectious Bronchitis strain I-269 with titer of virus 10^6.5 EID50 and 10^3.0 EID50 per dose.
CAPRIVAC NB-R® is recommended for the vaccination of broiler, layer, and breder for protection against Newcastle Disease and infectious Bronchitis (IB).
1. Drinking Water
To further stimulate drinking, the chickens should be deprived from both drinking and eating prior to vacination usually 1 to 2 hours.
2. Intranasal or intraocular instillation
Dissolve 1 vial of vaccine in vaccine diluent (usually 30 ml per 1,000 doses). Dropped into either nostril or eye of chicken and wait until it is properly absorbed.
3. Spray method
Dissolve 1,000 doses per 500 ml (or depends on the spray type) of water and then spray at distance of 30-40 cm from chickens used microdroplets aerosol sprayer, while spraying the cage must be closed.
4. Injection method
Dissolve 1 vial vaccine in 500 ml of physiological saline solution 0.9% and then inject 0.5 ml per chickens through intramuscular route in chest or thigh muscles.
Only the healthy chicken can be vaccinated. Stop the usage of disinfectant in drinking water for 24 hours before and after vaccination. Do not dissolve the vaccine in warm/hot water. Use all the dissolved vaccination and if any unused vaccine still remains, it must be destroyed. Store at 2-8° C. Protect from sunlight. Pay attention to the dosage before diluting.

Live Virus Vaccine for Poultry
Beta-Lactams Penicillin
Vial 500 doses, Vial 1000 doses, Vial 2500 doses, Vial 5000 doses
No Reg : KEMENTAN RI NO. D 13034482 VKS
CAPRIVAC IBD-Plus® is a freeze-dried live IBD plus vaccine containing IBD #951 strain with titer of virus at 10^2.8 EID per dose.
CAPRIVAC IBD-Plus® is recommended for the vaccination of broiler, layer, and breder for protection against Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD).
CAPRIVAC IBD-Plus® can be given to chicken with high maternal antibody titer.
1. Oral Route
Dissolve 1 vial of vaccine in vaccine diluent (usually 30 ml per 1,000 doses). Dropped the dissolved vaccine one drop per chicken (± 0.3 ml) orally.
2. Drinking water
To further stimulate drinking, the chickens should be deprived from both drinking and eating prior to vacination usually 1 to 2 hours.
Only the healthy chicken can be vaccinated. Stop the usage of disinfectant in drinking water for 24 hours before and after vaccination. Do not dissolve the vaccine in warm/hot water. Use all the dissolved vaccination and if any unused vaccine still remains, it must be destroyed. Store at 2-8° C. Protect from sunlight. Pay attention to the dosage before diluting